Being sober makes everything better.

Conquer your freedom, choose sobriety!

I download Sobero

You will be surprised by what awaits you there...

Sobero mascotte scientifique qui aide à réduire la consommation d'alcool

It's not magic. It's science.

Sobero uses a unique and effective method approved by researchers and doctors.

We have two questions for you:

sobero liste icône qui aide à réduire la consommation d'alcool

Have you ever regretted drinking too much?

sobero icône validation pour illustrer la réduction de la consommation d'alcool

Have you ever evaluated your alcohol consumption?

We have two questions for you:

Have you ever regretted drinking too much?

Have you ever evaluated your alcohol consumption?

If you answered "no" to that last question, now is the time! 👇

What type of drinker are you?

Take the test!

To change your life, you must first change your mindset

Goodbye hangover, goodbye blackout, welcome freedom, welcome sobriety!

icône sobero mascottes avec émotions pour illustrer symptômes de sevrage de l'alcool

What if curiosity didn't kill the cat? Join millions of people with the "Sober Curious" movement! Trying sobriety is embracing it! Your mental health is already thanking you 💙

Helpful reminder: you don't have to be an "alcoholic" to try sobriety!

What does it mean to try sobriety?

and who is it for?

icône sobero mascotte pour illustrer les effets de la réduction de la consommation d'alcool sur la corps et la santé

You are curious, you want to question your way of life, to question what society has taught you instead of responding to the permanent social pressure to drink alcohol: WELCOME!

To try sobriety is to have the opportunity to consciously choose to drink, cut down, or stop drinking altogether by being informed about why we drink.

Sobero fond d'écran paysage pour illustrer chemin vers une vie plus saine sans alcool
Sobero mascotte scientifique pour illustrer les effets positifs de la sobriété

SOBERO n. /sobeʁo/

  • A combination of "sober" and "hero."
  • Refers to a person who has decided to question their relationship with alcohol by choosing to try sobriety for a set or unset period.

Download Sobero!

And start to build mindful drinking habits!

Download Sobero!

And start to build mindful drinking habits!

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